Catalogue of products and services

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Catalogue of products and services (CZ)PDF2 MB
Catalogue of products and services (EN)PDF2 MB

Management system according to EN ISO 9001 : 2015

Since 2005, FAVEX, s.r.o. has had a quality system in place and certified to meet the requirements of EN ISO 9001:2015.The certification was carried out by the major certification company RW TŰV, in 2007 the certification was carried out by TŰV NORD, which is the successor of RW TŰV. The quality system is based on a process approach. As we also supply the automotive industry, we try to bring our system as close as possible to the current requirements of this sector.

FAVEX, s.r.o. has obtained a certificate according to the EN 9001:2015 standard from the certified company TŰV NORD, which confirms that the quality management system is properly developed, documented and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.

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Quality Policy (CZ)PDF1,35 MB
Quality Policy (EN)PDF179 kB
View certificate in PDF (CZ)PDF480 kB
View certificate in PDF (SK)PDF483 kB
View certificate in PDF (PL)PDF493 kB
View the certificate in PDF (EN)PDF485 kB
View certificate in PDF (DE)PDF494 kB
View certificate in PDF (RU)PDF514 kB

Management system according to EN ISO 14001 : 2015

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View certificate in PDF (CZ)PDF432 kB
View certificate in PDF (SK)PDF429 kB
View certificate in PDF (PL)PDF437 kB
View the certificate in PDF (EN)PDF436 kB
View certificate in PDF (DE)PDF439 kB
View certificate in PDF (RU)PDF449 kB

Annual Reports

FAVEX, s.r.o. regularly publishes its audited financial statements and annual reports. If you are interested in this information, you can download it directly here.

NameFile typeSize
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2022PDF6,6 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2021PDF5 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2020PDF5 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2019PDF6 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2018PDF7 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2017PDF6 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2016PDF4 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2015PDF7 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2014PDF5 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2013PDF10 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2012PDF2 MB
Annual Report FAVEX, s.r.o. 2011PDF9 MB


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Socially useful jobsPDF123 kB
Reducing the energy consumption of FAVEX s.r.o.PDF187 kB
The project Energy saving measures in the premises of FAVEX, s.r.o., Buchlovice is co-financed by the European UnionPDF51 kB